What are the CPGs?

The CISA Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPGs) provide a practical framework for resource-starved critical infrastructure entities to establish an initial cybersecurity program. The objective is to establish a “floor” of acceptable cybersecurity for critical infrastructure operators that we can improve as we mature.


CISA Cross-sector Cybersecurity Performance Goals

CPG Checklist - Excel

<aside> 💡 This template is based on the CPG checklist v1.0.1 retrieved from the CISA website on June 6, 2024 and is the most current as of the last update to this template.

Additionally, this is the core CPG template and does not consider sector specific templates at this time, but we will release future versions that do. Examples include energy, healthcare, and others.


How do I use the CPG Template?

You can use this template as a guide to implement the CPGs in your organization for zero ($0) capital costs. Yes, you heard that correctly. This template assumes $0 capital budget and uses open-source tools to accomplish this. But you will need some friends to help with the work. Our objective is to make this easy for you.

Getting Started

  1. Perform a Risk Assessment using CSET or your preferred tool.
  2. Make an inventory of your resources and get management support for your project
  3. Create a project plan using our checklist
  4. Implement tools and explore resources
  5. Get secure!

What is DefendICS?


“People, Process, Technology, there’s a reason People come first”

DefendICS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the mission of equipping asset owners and operators with the skills and knowledge they need to secure critical infrastructure.

Introduction to CPG Template


The CSET tool can be used to perform security assessments against a variety of frameworks, including the CISA CPGs. CISA provides an excellent training course on both the CPGs as well as how to use CSET to perform assessments at Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPG) Assessment Training

CISA Cyber Security Evaluation Tool


The CSET tool can be used to perform security assessments against a variety of frameworks, including the CISA CPGs. CISA provides an excellent training course on both the CPGs as well as how to use CSET to perform assessments at Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPG) Assessment Training

CPG Objectives

Operational Support

<aside> ℹ️ See below for the following assumptions about your environment.


This template relies heavily on human labor to perform the work. This can come from internal resources, CISA, contractors and other 3rd parties. Much of this work can be performed by non-security resources, so don’t worry if you don’t have a large cybersecurity group.

Other Resources

CISA Services Support


Resource Inventory Views